Machine Learning Boosted PVT Solver

The main goal of this project is to develop a PVT solver specially for the case where a high percentage of CO2 is present in the mixture, capabale of handling 3-phase configurations (gas-CO2 liquid-liquid). Another important aspect of this project is to use machine learning techniques to enhance the fidelity of the results, using available experimental data.

The Predictive Peng-Robinson (PPR78) thermodynamic model, based on the Peng-Robinson (PR78) Equation of state (EoS), combined with the classical van der Walls mixing rules is widely used for the analisys of multiphase fluid equilibrium systems.

$$P = \frac{RT}{v -b_i} - \frac{a_i(T)}{v(v+b_i)+b_i(v-b_i)}$$

The \(k_{ij}\) variable is know as the binary interaction parameter between the components and usually it is obtained from experimental data. For the The PPR78, \(k_{ij}\) is temperature dependent (\(k_{ij}(T)\)) and it can be evaluating directly. In the present project group interaction parameters are used.

$$k_{ij}(T)=\frac{-\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}\displaystyle\sum\limits_{i=1}^{N_g}\sum\limits_{j=1}^{N_g} (\alpha_{ik}-\alpha_{jk})(\alpha_{il}-\alpha_{jl})A_{kl}. \left(\frac{298.15}{T}\right)^{\left(\frac{B_{kl}}{A_{kl}}-1\right)}- \left(\frac{\sqrt{a_i(T)}}{b_i}-\frac{\sqrt{a_j(T)}}{b_j}\right)}{2\displaystyle\frac{\sqrt{a_i(T).a_j(T)}}{b_i.b_j}}$$

Solution of these equations provides us the low fidelity data, which will be complemeted with high-fidelity experimental observations.

However, the results in Fig. 1 clearly show that the PPR78 method capture well the changing phases (from liquid-vapour to liquid) for a low concentration of \(CO_2\) in the mixture, while for a high values of \(CO_2\) in the mixture the model underestimate the pressure. It is known that adjusting the single binary interaction parameter between \(CO_2\) and \(CH_4\) (\(k_{( {CO_2-CH_4})}\)) improves the results. However, by adjusting this single parameter at each temperature, a slight agreement was observed at the experimental bubble points, while quite big discrepancies remained at the dew points. We improve the results (reducing the MSE) by employing a reasonable initial guess strategy and then find the optimal solution due to single evaluation task (grid search), which is the cost function minimizer.

PVT Optimization for live oil
Figure 1. Bubble-point and dew-point pressures (\(p\)) as a function of the mole fraction (\(z_{CO_2}\) ) of \(CO_2\) for (\(CO_2\) + Live oil 1) figures (a, c, e), and (\(CO_2\) + live oil 2) figures (b, d, e ): T = 323.15 K; , T = 373.15 K and , T = 423.15 K.